Karma Eve

Karma Eve
Karma Eve

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Sexy Nights of Christmas

On the 1st night of Christmas my true love gave to me
A penis in a pussy
On the 2nd night of Christmas my true love gave to me
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 3rd night of Christmas my true love gave to me
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 4th night of Christmas my true love gave to me
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 5th night of Christmas my true love gave to me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 6th night of Christmas my true love gave to me
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy      
On the 7th night of Christmas my true love gave to me
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 8th night of Christmas my true love gave to me
 8 Gays a-licking
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
9 Strippers dancing
8 Gays a-licking
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
10 Anal beads
9 Strippers dancing
8 Gays a-licking
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
11 Pearl rabbits
10 Anal beads
9 Strippers dancing
8 Gays a-licking
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
12 Mini bullets
11 Pearl rabbits
10 Anal beads
9 Strippers dancing
8 Gays a-licking
7 Sperms a-swimming
6 Ways to lay me
5 Penis rings
4 Ben-wa balls
3 Bottles of lube
2 Double dildos
And a penis in a pussy

Have a beautiful, fun-filled Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season!
Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

Monday, December 12, 2011

Erotic Nursery Rhyme AND Bedtime Story: The King & His Search

Old King Cole was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was he
He fucked his new wife in the middle of the night
  Then he made her get down on her knees
Down on her knees she wanted to please
And she couldn’t think of nothing better
He squirmed & he moaned, he yelled & he groaned
This got her sweet pussy much wetter

 The King and His Search

Once upon at time in a land far, far away there lived a King. The king was lonely and wanted to find a Queen to love and to help him run his country.

“This has to be a special Queen.” The king told his noble servant. “She has to have that unique quality only I will know about and only I have seen. You know what my specialty is, get the word out and find me a Queen!” He instructed. “I, along with the rest of the staff will plan a grand ball to be held at the end of 30 days to select from whom you have found to be my Queen.” The King exclaimed.
“For if I’m not satisfied with your findings…” The King paused, walked closer to his servant and put his nose on top of his, “then off with your head.” He growled.

Being the wise servant that he was, George knew exactly what the King was looking for. He packed a few belongings in a sack along with some food and set out on his journey to help the King find his mate.

George stopped at every town and village delivering the message that the King of Ecstascia was searching for a Queen. He traveled day and night, sometimes the sun so hot and intense it turned him several shades of brown and other times the storms and rain so cold and bitter, he thought he’d die.

After 21 days on his mission, George finally returned back to the land of Ecstascia with a wonderful report for the King.

“Your majesty, I have returned with great news. I have delivered your message to every village, town, and every place of residence in between about your grand ball and your search for a Queen. Women from near and far will flock here to try their hand at being the Queen of Ecstasia.”

The King just sat on his red velvet and jeweled encrusted throne and listened attentively as his faithful servant continued to speak.

“To describe the beautiful creatures I have seen would spoil the special moment for you when they arrive for your grand ball.” The servant informed him with a smile.

“So, the women you saw were beautiful you say?” The King asked intrigued.
“Yes, your majesty. Their beauty was unspeakable. Their skin smooth like a baby’s bottom, their hair soft like lamb’s wool…” His voice trailed off as he daydreamed of all the women he saw on his journey.
Clearing his throat and bringing his imaginative servant back to reality, the King spoke, “Are, you saying I should have enough to choose from?”
“Oh yes your majesty. May I also add you may have a difficult time with your choosing?” The servant, who was pleased with the outcome of his task, gave a nod.
“I know exactly what I need to find and how I’ll go about finding it.” The King smiled. “You did a wonderful job. Go get cleaned up, something to eat and some rest. I’ll meet you later for I want to hear more about your interesting travels.”
“Yes, your majesty.” The servant said, feeling proud of his accomplishment. He couldn’t wait to see all of the beautiful maidens that were to come to the King’s spectacular grand ball.

Days had passed and finally the day of the King’s grand ball was here. The entire town was excited about the idea that the King was looking for a Queen and that so many people had traveled to the land of Ecstasia. The town was in full celebration. Local shops were packed with out of town guests buying all the merchants had. The pubs even opened earlier than usual to accommodate those who wanted to quench their thirst with the best ale in all the land. Street entertainers performed by singing, dancing and amazing the visitors with magic. But quiet as kept, the townspeople were all hoping that the new Queen would be one of their own, a resident of Ecstasia.

The King’s castle was decorated and adorned with the best and most expensive of velvets, furs, satin and gold. The king’s personal chefs had planned a hearty menu for all the guests along with the best of wines from the best of the local vineyards. The King himself was bathed in the most expensive and premium oils and wore nothing but the finest and most fitting clothing. As a matter of fact, he called for the top 5 tailors throughout the country and had each one sew for him 5 suits of clothes from the first-rate of fabrics.

“This is going to be a magnificent celebration we shall not forget too soon.” He announced as he was being dressed.

It was almost time for the ball to begin. The King looked out a window and saw beautiful women as far as his onyx colored eyes could see. He couldn’t wait until they all came inside so he could get a closer look. “Open the gates!” He shouted to his guards as he walked towards the ballroom.

When the gates opened, the women flooded in like water from a vessel. There were tall ones, short ones, heavy ones, thin ones. Light ones and dark ones, even some ugly ones had managed to get in. The King, with his loyal servant, took a walk around as the soul stirring and highly regarded band played getting a closer view of all the ladies that had come to try to be his Queen. If there were any noticeable flaws, he quickly dismissed the woman and sent her back to whence she had come. “No, no, no.” was the only thing he said going through the sea of women and pointing out the ones he did not want to get acquainted with. The process was quick for him yet painful for many.

“Why? What is wrong with me?” Some of the want-to-be queens cried out. “I’ve traveled too far for you to just say no.” Others stated trying to stand their ground on why they should be allowed to stay. Still some ran out, hands covering their faces and sobbing.

The ones the King liked he would have George write their names on a scroll. “Make sure they’re comfortable until I meet with them later.” He told his devoted servant. Those who did get selected were overwhelmed with joy and knew they were just one step closer to becoming Queen of Ecstasia.

Pretty soon, day turned to night and the King had lost count on how many women he turned away and how many he kept. He had seen the majority of the ladies by dinner time. Pulling his unwavering servants to the side he had came up with a plan that would help him find his Queen much sooner.

 “With all the beautiful maidens I still have to select from I need to move on to the ones who I have chosen. Have all of the ladies who are in guest rooms bathe and meet me in the South part of the palace after dinner, dressed in nothing but the silk and linen clothing I’ve had specially made for them. All of those here in the ballroom if they have not been selected as of yet, escort them out and let them know if I’m unable to find my Queen tonight, they will be called upon tomorrow.” He stated.

George, his head and most trusted servant rounded up the staff and instructed them to quickly usher the other ladies out giving them the message that if need be, the King will summon them the next day.

That night, the King had all the strikingly gorgeous women assemble together in his chambers. There he fed them the sweetest of fruits and berries and goblets of tasty wine. There was dancing, laughter and sensual merriment. After several hours of fondling, teasing and lovemaking the King called for his trusty servant. Stepping over the tired and sleeping ladies, the anxious servant made his way to the King, who by the way was only dressed in a purple velvet robe and soft matching slippers. His manliness was hanging out for the entire kingdom to see if the entire kingdom had been present.

“Yes, your majesty?” George asked looking the King directly in his eyes.
Looking around at the alluring naked women the King made his statement, “There is no one here who has that special quality.”
“Are you sure, your majesty?” The shocked and disappointed servant asked.
“Yes, I’m sure!” The King bellowed. “I’ve seen and tested every one of them. They are beautiful but not quite what I’m looking for.” The King shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Remembering the King’s promise that if the servant didn’t find the right one, his head would be axed, George quickly spoke up. “Your majesty, don’t forget there are plenty more to choose from. We shall do this again tomorrow.” He swallowed deeply, hoping the King would remember his plan.
“You’re right. I do have more to choose from. Get these women out of here and we’ll start again bright and early tomorrow morning.” The King said.
Letting out a relived sigh George clapped his hands and began waking the slumbering women up and ushering them out of the King’s chambers. Tomorrow would be a better day and he’d make sure of it.

Bright and early that morning, before the rooster crowed, the King was up and ready to continue his search. Dressed in another fine outfit one of the five tailors made for him, he marched out with some of his staff following to view the lovely ladies that were ready and waiting to be seen by the royal King himself.

“I need some breathtaking ladies to have a delightful breakfast with me on this wonderful morning.” He announced with a smile. “Who will be the lucky ones?”

The ladies all began yelling and vying for his attention, each more eager than the next for they knew how great a prize it would be to become the Queen to such a rich and wonderful land. Since coming to the Land of Ecstasia they all saw how lush and green the hills were how plentiful the wealth was to each villager and how happy the people of Ecstasia were which was very different from their lands. The sky was bluer, the air was fresher, the animals and livestock were fat and no one had one thing to complain about. It was like pure ecstasy and these ladies were dying to get it.
“Settle down, settle down! I will now begin my selection.” The King told the anxious women. Running their hands along their hair and smoothing out their dresses while putting on their biggest smiles, the eager ladies prayed with all their hearts to be the lucky few to be chosen by the king.

Like a kid in a candy shop the King pointed out all the good treats he wanted. “I’ll take you and you and you.” Following close behind him and not missing a step was good ol’ George praying that one of these ladies would become the Queen of Ecstasia. His stubby neck was literally on the line.

The King then lead his chosen few into the large dining hall for a delicious breakfast where he would begin another elimination process after doing his personal and very intimate interview with the ladies. All others made their way out of the great castle and back to their homelands, sad but yet still happy to be able to say they were personally looked over by the king of Ecstasia in his glorious castle, an accomplishment they could brag about for a lifetime.

After breakfast the King invited everyone to go for a morning swim. Walking to the nearby lake the King and his female companions stripped down to their bare nakedness and frolicked about in the clear blue, warm water. One by one each beautiful maiden giving herself to the King just like the night before. Little by little the King began to get bored. Servant George could see the disappointed look on the King’s face. He carefully approached the King to ask about his welfare.

“What a wonderful day to have a swim with such stunning women.” George stated to the King with glee in his voice.
“Yes, I suppose so, but she’s not here. My Queen isn’t in this group either.” The King sadly stated.
“Are you sure? Have you tried them all?” George asked nervously.
“Yes, I’m the royal expert and it doesn’t take me long to figure out my Queen isn’t here.”
Not to fear, your majesty. We still have more to choose from. Let’s say I tell the staff to get ready for lunch and we’ll have a noon time sensual lunch session.”
“There’s more?” The King perked up. “That is a fabulous idea, sensual lunch for a beautiful bunch!” The King laughed at himself for coming up with a clever line.

The servant rushed each rejected woman out so he could quickly move on to the next group of waiting ladies. The new group of eager ladies was happy to learn that one of them still had a chance to be Queen of Ecstasia.

After the King dressed in a freshly tailored outfit, he greeted the enthusiastic ladies as they walked in and this time he quickly dismissed those he did not want to see for lunch.
“No to her, her and her.” He pointed to different women. They had barely made it into the castle when they were immediately ushered out by powerful guards and unyielding servants. Finally getting his brood of beautiful women down to a small lovely herd, he invited his female guests to a lunch fit for…well, fit for a King. The royal band played music pleasing to the castle guests, laughter echoed throughout the dining area and the seductive women began to make their move for what they believed was theirs, the King and the title, Queen of Ecstasia.

Demonstrating their sensual talents each beauty brought her best to please the handsome and almighty King. He saw dancing, fire twirling, juggling, heard sexy poems and more all while each woman seductively disrobed revealing her alluring and titillating body. After their lunch and showcase of talents the King pulled out his royal penis and blessed each passion-filled maiden. At the end of his sexual tryst with each one he became more and more disappointed. Lying back and looking at all the lovely ladies he rang for his servant, George.

“Your majesty, did you find your Queen?” George asked entering the dining hall stepping over sleeping ladies who were worn out from the King’s love.
“No. I’m beginning to think I never will. Every woman had a special something about her but not exactly what I, the King of Ecstasia needs. I will not rest until I find the right woman for me to help me rule my wealthy land!” He exclaimed while standing naked in front of a window looking out over the countryside. “She has to be out here, somewhere and I will find her.” Turning to face his servant he told him, “George, you have one more chance. Find me someone who I can make my Queen or I will find someone to replace you, who can get the job done!” The King’s lip curled in an ugly snarl as he spoke.

After quickly getting the eliminated and once again rejected group of women out of the castle, George decided to do a last minute search of the nearby towns and villages and to make it back before the King had his supper. He searched high and low in the neighboring towns. The women had already been seen and turned away or were either too fat or too skinny. Some were too old or not old enough and there were some who were just plain ugly. Just as he decided to turn around and head back to the castle empty handed and heavy hearted, he saw a house that he hadn’t noticed before behind tall, sturdy trees. This house was located on the edge of town right outside of Ecstasia. He had been past this area a million times if not more and can’t recall seeing this house before. Dismounting and tying his horse to a nearby tree, George decided to see who lived at the home.

As he approached the door he could hear a beautiful song being sung. The person singing it made the melody sound like only an angel from heaven would have such a beautiful voice. Gently he rapped on the door. The door opened and there stood the most divine woman he had ever seen. Her smooth dark skin was like the finest of cocoa beans, her eyes were a deep, splendid brown and her coal black locs hung gently on her shoulders. When she smiled her teeth were as white as pearls.
“Hello.” She said with a warming tone.
“Pardon me, madam.” The servant stammered still in disbelief at the beauty that stood before him. “Have you been to see the King?” He was hoping she wasn’t one that was turned away. Of course he would have easily remembered her.
“The King, why should I have been to see the King?” She asked a tad confused.
“Oh, you haven’t heard? The King has put a call out to all beautiful ladies near and far for he is seeking his Queen.”
“No, I have not heard that news. Is that why there has been strangers traveling back and forth into Ecstasia?” She asked looking behind him as if to see travelers passing by as they spoke.
“Yes, yes. Would you happen to be interested in trying to be the Queen?” He asked hoping she’d say yes.
She gave a little laugh, “Oh, I don’t think I’m Queen material.” She looked down at her ragged dress and well-worn shoes. “I’m sure there are many other ladies that fit his standards. Thank you for asking, but I have to get back to work.” She attempted to close her door.
Quickly George stuck his hand out to stop her from closing the door. He remembered she may be his last chance if he wanted to keep his head attached to the rest of his body.
“Please, I’m the King’s loyal servant and I’m pretty sure he would want to see you. Won’t you at least try?” He said begging with his eyes.

The beautiful woman stood there for a moment and thought about the offer.
“Well, I have always wanted to see the royal castle and to be able to meet the King would be grand. I guess I could try.” She exclaimed excitedly at her decision. George clapped his hands with glee that she was going to try her hand at being the Queen of Ecstasia.
He pointed behind him, “My horse is right beyond those trees. I can take you to the King now.”
She began to get nervous. “I can’t go to the King like this. I need to freshen up and do something with my hair and…” He cut her off.
“Trust me my beauty, you will be well taken care of upon your arrival at the King’s castle, I assure you.” He stated calmly and with a smile.

With that said the beautiful woman locked up her house and went immediately with the servant back to the King’s castle.

When the maiden and the servant arrived at the castle, the servant had a member of the staff take her to a guest room and have her dressed and ready for the King. In the meantime, he went to find the King who he found sulking in his room. He knocked on the King’s door.
“Come in.” The King bellowed through the heavy wooden door.
“Your majesty, I have come to tell you of a lovely maiden that I have found and I think you will be pleased.” He announced as he walked in the King’s bedroom.
The King looked at him with a cautious eye. “Tell me more.” He said sitting up on one elbow and facing his servant.
“Your majesty, she is more beautiful than all of the maidens before. She seems to have been blessed with an angelic anointing outside and within. She has strong luscious locs that swing when she walks and eyes that dance when she smiles. I found her right outside of Ecstasia on the edge of town in a little cottage. I’m having the maids prepare her for you now.”
“Wonderful!” The King’s eyes lit up. “If she is as beautiful as you say she is, make sure she gets bathed in the best of oils and she’s dressed in the finest of fabrics. As a matter of fact have the 5 tailors I have sent for make her something special and unique. Have her ready by supper and she and I will fest alone.” He smiled to himself.
“Yes I will make sure she gets the best treatment while here.” George went to leave the room and suddenly stopped in his tracks when the King spoke.
“And George, if she is not the one, I will see your neck on the blade come morning.” He reminded the servant.
George took a deep gulp. “Yes your majesty.” He quickly left the room.

At supper time the dining room was immaculate. A fire was burning in the large fireplace, the royal musicians were softly playing music, candles were lit all around and the chefs filled the table with a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits and wine. Of course nothing but the best for the King and his guest, George saw to it personally.
The King marched in and sat at the head of his table. “Where is she?” He asked George.
“She’ll be in soon, your majesty, very soon.” He replied with a bit of nervousness in his voice. Knowing this was his very last chance he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for tonight. He made sure the lovely maiden was treated like she was already the Queen of Ecstasia. The 5 tailors worked together with a beautiful soft, see-through fabric that he knew would greatly impress the King. After a few more minutes of suspenseful waiting, she finally appeared in the doorway of the dining hall.

The King almost choked on his wine when he saw her. He sat silent, enthralled by her beauty. The servant watched without saying a word praying this union was a perfect match.

“Good evening, your majesty.” Her voice wafted through the air ever so gently to the King’s ear. This was the first time George had ever seen the King speechless. He smiled to himself knowing that he had presented the right one to the King.

Clearing his throat he finally spoke, “Welcome my dear. Come in and tell me who you are.” The King motioned for her to come closer and sit next to him at the table. The maiden nervously walked towards the King, her turquoise gown with golden trim flowing in the breeze. Her locs were pinned up and adorned with sparkling golden jewels. Taking her seat next to the King he took in a deep breath, letting her natural scent and the oil she bathed in tease his nostrils.
“My name is Patience.” She softly spoke.
He repeated her name letting it roll around on his tongue several times before looking into her deep set brown eyes. “You have eyes that are like pools of chocolate.” He told her, mesmerized by her beauty. Taking her dainty hand in his, he pressed his cool lips on top of it, closing his eyes as he did so.
“It’s a pleasure to have you here.” He told her.
“It’s an honor to be here.” She replied with a soft smile.

The servant used that as his cue to leave the King and Patience alone praying that after tonight his life would be sparred. He would give them time to eat and get to know one another better and he’d check on them later.

Later out by the garden, the servant found the King and Patience chatting and laughing. Approaching them with a plan, he wanted to get them moving along to what the King was really looking for, especially since he was the true expert.
“Excuse me your majesty, would you and your lovely guest like to retire to your suite for the evening? I can have wine and dessert sent up right away.”
“That would be wonderful, George.” The King said, eyeing his beautiful guest. “You don’t mind, do you?” He asked Patience with a sexy smile.
“No, not at all, I’m delighted to be able to spend quality time with you.” She smiled, resting her hand ever so gently on his.
“George, bring all that we’ll need up for the rest of the night to my room…right away!” He barked. He then placed his large, royal hand on the small of Patience’s back and guided her back inside the castle to his bedroom.

The mood was perfect. Another fire burned brightly in the fireplace and they sat quietly in front of it on a soft bearskin rug watching the flames dance and entertain them as they sipped on red wine and nibbled rich chocolate filled with fruit and nuts. As Patience sipped her wine she slipped in some extra peeks of the King as he arranged the logs on the fire. He was a tall, stately built man that carried himself with power. He had wide broad shoulders with a slim waist. His hair was naturally curly and black like shadows. His complexion was smooth and dark like mahogany wood and his chiseled facial features were strong. His hands were large yet soft and she couldn’t wait to have his strong royal hands touching her all over her body. He looked back to make sure she was doing well.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked
His eyes were blacker than midnight and pierced through to her soul. She quickly looked away before speaking. “Yes, thank you. I’m enjoying myself.”
“It can sometimes get cold, come closer and I’ll keep you warm.” He instructed holding his arms open for her to fit perfectly in.
Doing what she was told she nuzzled close to him, taking in the scent of his skin letting it put her under his spell.
“You are exquisite.” He told her, lifting her chin up so her eyes would meet his. He softly kissed her full lips which made him think of mangos, peaches and all things sweet.
His mouth covered hers and she pulled him closer to her. She could feel his heart beating in her little hands. She knew then that she had his heart in more ways than one. He caressed her body and laid her back on the soft bearskin rug. He slowly kissed her face, her neck, biting softly on her shoulders. He wanted to have all of her, but he wanted to take his time with her.

She appreciated his slow hand, closing her eyes and still able to visualize exactly what he was doing to her body, she let a whisper of a moan escape her lips. Her hands roamed his body like a lost traveler in a foreign land. She felt the strength of his back, his chest, his neck. She allowed him to remove the sheer material the tailors made, exposing her chocolate dipped breasts which he began to devour as if he hadn’t eaten in years. Her body shook with excitement.

He knew she was enjoying all that he was doing by her sexy reactions. He grabbed a handful of her hair and massaged her scalp as he slowly bit and nibbled at her full breasts. Her locs, strong and beautiful just like the woman who wore them, he almost couldn’t control himself. He needed to taste, to smell, to see and to know if she was the Queen he thought her to be. Slowly he slid down until he reached where the rivers ran deep and saw her pretty, velvet mound. Burying his face between her thick, juicy thighs he took in a deep breath and inhaled what smelled like fresh air on an early spring day. He gently kissed her over and over again tasting her until her juices ran down his chin like oranges from his garden. “Deliciously sweet.” He whispered to her pretty pussy. He wanted, no needed to make love to her, he could no longer wait.
With her breath stolen from her, she came back down off of the highest peak of the mountain that the King had placed her on. They were now face to face and she could smell and soon taste her own sweetness from his lips. His thighs, built like columns in the coliseum were resting on her small thighs as she ran her hands through his beautiful curly hair while he smothered her with kisses. Taking in a deep breath she received his solid manhood when he entered her. Their hips tangled and danced the dance of love as they touched, kissed, stroked and made love to one another.

The King already knew no other woman could do to him what she was doing. Her pussy was so pretty, so tight it was perfection at his best. He knew when he felt her body tremble under his and his body reacted with quivers and shudders she was his Queen.

The next morning Patience awoke in a loving embrace. For a moment Patience had to look around and see where she was. She remembered she was not in her little cottage behind the trees on the edge of town. She had to remind herself of the wonderful night she had…with the King! She looked down on the ruler of Ecstasia as he slept and smiled to herself while she played back in her mind the majestic evening she had. She kissed him on his forehead and then had an awful thought. What if he didn’t select her to be Queen? What if she would be sent back to her cottage when he awoke? Sure she would have missed her little cottage with the stream running in back of it, but if she wasn’t the chosen one all this just meant she shouldn’t get comfortable here, in the King’s castle, in the King’s bed. She decided she should leave before he awoke or his servant came for him. Just as she was sliding out of the bed she felt his strong grip on her wrist.
“And just where are you going, might I ask?” The King said in his early morning voice.
Startled, she didn’t know how to reply. “Well, your majesty I was going home, back to my cottage.”
The King sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Why would you being doing that? A Queen is not fit to live in a mere cottage.”
“A Queen?” She asked.
He took her hands and gazed into her eyes. I have searched high and low for a woman with such a powerful pussy. Your prize is the best in all the lands. You have the most perfect and pure pussy I have ever seen, tasted or touched and I’d be a fool to let you go. You also have the spirit of an angel and you’re not only exquisite on the outside but you’re the same mirror image within. Now if you will have me, I would love for you to be my Queen and help me rule the wonderful Land of Ecstasia. Your beauty inside and out is splendid and worthy of having the best and I am just the one to give it to you. Will you join me at my side and be my Queen?”

Patience was speechless. Her parents had always told her she held the greatest treasure of all and they would have been so proud of her had they lived to see this moment. Letting a smile slowly creep upon her face she responded, “Yes, I will be your Queen!”

The King was thrilled and summoned for his loyal servant, George. When George heard the good news he jumped for joy and immediately began planning for the royal wedding.
Before they got out of bed to make the official announcement to the people of Ecstasia, the King had to have one more taste of his bride and Queen-to-be. She was more than delighted to oblige.

The End

Friday, December 9, 2011

Adult Breast Feeding

Yes, you read it right...ADULT BREAST FEEDING!

I just wanted you to be sure your eyes are not deceiving you. Anyway, I get this email from my friend, Mandisa in Chicago and at first I wasn't even sure if I wanted to open and read it. I thought to myself, "what now?" I mean how do we as people keep up with ourselves? We are just too much for our own good. So I finally read the small article and this is what's happening.

Apparently the new fad is young men going out with their girlfriends and openly sucking their breasts at the club without the fear of shame or embarrassment from others. This was witnessed at a night club in Accra, which is the capital and largest city of Ghana. They say the guys do not suck the 'orange' (meaning small breasts) but they enjoy the sucking of the 'watermelon' (the larger size breasts). Well I guess I won't have that problem to worry about since I fall in the 'orange' category. (Wiping sweat off of brow)

Since this craze is spreading to neighboring countries near and around Ghana, it may find itself landing here in the good ol' U.S.of A. What are your thoughts on this new fandango that has women breast feeding their adult boyfriends? Would you be willing to do something like this...in public...at the club? Let's hear from you!

Erotically Speaking,
Karma Eve

Monday, December 5, 2011

6 Reasons to Enjoy Being Single

Before I became a wife I was single just like so many other single people out here. Now that I’m married I always get comments from both men and women how lucky my husband and I are to have one another and be married. That’s fine and dandy but I get tired of single people acting like they need a prescription for their singleness. I always tell single people to enjoy their single life while they can because once you’re committed you’re going to miss a few things from these solo days.

Here’s a list I created that hopefully will shed a new light on your single life.

Love your space in bed:
If you want to lay spread eagle in your bed as you hog the covers, tuck the pillow under your feet and snore loudly with your mouth wide open, you can do that without the worry of disturbing your mate

Splurge and Save:
How do you splurge AND save at the same time? You don’t, but it’s YOUR money and if you want to spend your entire check on a bag full of assorted pointy Madonna bras you can. Or if you want to pinch your pennies so tight they scream out in agony, guess what? You can do that too! You don’t have to have anyone else that will make you be accountable for what you do or do not spend. When you’re broke it’s your fault or when you’re rich it’s your luck as well.

It’s right there:
It is right where you last left it even if you did leave it there over 3 weeks ago. That old sock, that sweater that fell behind the couch, that crusty plate under your bed, that $5 dollar bill on top of the fridge, trust me it’s right there and no one is around to move it but YOU!

You are your responsibility:
You are only responsible for you and no one else. How cool is that? You don’t have to worry about someone else’s opinion, feelings, money, thoughts, property or anything else. It’s all about you so enjoy

Discover you:
Find out who you are and what you like when you’re single. It’s difficult to discover all of your likes, dislikes and your personality when you try to be in a committed relationship. Get all of that out of the way now

Like your alone time:
Don’t look at it as being lonely. I had a single friend that always said, “I don’t like being by myself.” My response to her was if you don’t like being alone with yourself, no man is going to want to be alone with you either. She’s still single to this day. Appreciate the time you get to spend with yourself and the next person will too
Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

Pole Dancing the NEW Olympic Sport

A friend of mine sent an article to me that was posted on CBSNews.com that she thought I would find interesting. I happen to be a huge fan of pole dancing and have participated in a few classes enough to know that it is HARD! I still love it just the same. Read below and tell me what you think.

According to the Washington Post, the Pole Fitness Association and other like minded groups have been circulating petitions to get pole dance fitness into the London 2012 games. The petition has over 6,000 signatures from its supporters.

Some associate pole dancing with seedy strip clubs but nowadays it's known as pole fitness or vertical dance and there are more than 500 pole dance fitness clubs across the United States. It may be too late to get this sport going as an Olympic game, but whose to say it won't happen in the future.

So what do you think? Should pole fitness or vertical dance be allowed and looked upon as an Olympic sporting event?

This is Honey and Nicole. Nicole is the owner of Allure Dance and Fitness Studio in California. I LOVE this performance! 
Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

Friday, December 2, 2011


Let’s take this slow
I mean even though we already know just how this is going to go
I really like when we take things slow

I like when you softly kiss my lips
Sucking on the top and pulling the bottom
Gripping them between your teeth
Just firm enough to make me wince
Softly tangling your tongue with mine
Which keeps me wanting more of your kisses all of the time
Then you slowly kiss and nibble on my neck
I get goose bumps just thinking of what you’re going to do next

I lay back enjoying the trails of love you make down my body
Firmly taking hold of both my breasts
Swirling your warm wet tongue around each erect nipple
Concentrating on my sweet fleshy mounds of brown sugar
As hips slowly begin to gyrate to a rhythm that only we will dance to

You explore my body like an adventurer
Making and leaving your marks all over me
You groan
I moan
Then you growl from the sweet sensual aroma that tickles your nose
That’s right, the smell of my honeycomb
I open up for you like a flower in full bloom
As you taste my mouth-watering nectar
Organic and pure
And you slowly lick
Devouring me bit by bit

You dive in swimming in my sea of love
Taking backstrokes and deep strokes
Submerging yourself in my erotic dew
As I close my eyes to enjoy the rest of this sexual flow
And since we’re nowhere close to being finished
Let’s continue to take things slow
Erotically Speaking,
Karma Eve

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Does He Remember

He was tall, caramel and handsome
Had a smile so bright it could light up a room
He was my everything, my every dream, he was woven in the fiber of my being
Hands like a giant’s
Heart as big as the ocean
Kisses sweeter than sugar
He was my teacher and I was his student learning to master the art of making love
Needing him to teach me lessons
Body as strong as steel
Eyes drawing me in, loving every inch of my skin, drinking my essence like an alcoholic drinks sin

His touch left me…breathless
He was the sculptor and I was his clay being molded into his work of sensual art
And if he were here right now I would ask if he remembered too
He named me, he claimed me
Most importantly he loved me and never shamed me
And when he entered the world between my thighs he inflamed me
Taking me places I didn’t know I could go
We were on a spiritual high where we sat on cloud 9 basking in the sweetness of our sensual bond
Allowing my legs and heart to be opened he dove in head first deeper and deeper
Until he touched the fountain of love that sprang forth the juices of my internal river
We swam in my wetness of love like we were swimming in the deep blue sea of Mother Earth
Doing a natural backstroke against my sensual waves
I was impressed with the depth, the width and the circumference of our fucking
It was like advanced math and only we knew the formula
It was like the earth, sun, moon and stars all aligned in the universe when we made love
Our sexual thunder roared and clouds formed causing a light rainstorm to fall from my heaven
Drenched in liquid love we took in big gulps of air and purified our lungs with lust
It was erotic oxygen for our soul and I wonder if he remembers this moment about us

As I exhaled and opened my eyes the only traces of him was a faint smell of musk and my sexy memories
I wonder if sometimes he thinks of me
He left me with passion-filled power
And a sensual knowing of self
Had a smile so bright it could light up this room
His touch left me…breathless
Kisses sweeter than sugar
And I wonder if he remembers too
Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

Wednesday, November 23, 2011



She was beautiful. I knew when I laid my eyes upon her that I was looking at my future wife. When I finally got up the nerve to walk over to where she was standing with friends and talk to her, her gorgeous eyes smiled at me first. I felt like I was automatically hypnotized and I wanted to tell her right then and there I’d take care of her forever if she’d run off with me.

I did nothing of the sort. I politely asked if she’d like to go out for a sandwich and a cold drink. Without hesitation, she politely accepted. Three months later we were Mr. and Mrs. Realizing early in our marriage we were unable to have children, we didn’t focus on the negative we showered one another with love, just like we would have showered any child that would have been a blessing in our lives. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife. Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.” Well, I know I had found a good thing and the Lord truly blessed me. I had my best friend with me forever and always. I knew she felt the same because she never failed to tell me on a regular basis.

We planned our lives accordingly. Once I retired from the army we settled down, me with a good reliable government job and she as a clerk in a ladies’ department store. (She later became a buyer then the manager). We purchased a nice home in a wonderful neighborhood where she was able to garden in our big backyard like she had always dreamt of doing and I…well me, I just tinkered around in the garage on many days. She always joked and crowned me the ‘King of Unfinished Projects’. I would just laugh and always find another project that I’d claim I would finish and never did. Our home was the place to be. Family and friends spilled in for many holidays, anniversaries, get-togethers and whatever else we would celebrate. Life was good and we were happy. My favorite memories are of our vacations or what we called our retreats.

Just thinking about our getaways still brings a smile to my face.
Sometimes we would get in our car with no real destination in mind. Whichever way the car was pointed that was where we would head. Those were some of our best trips, the unplanned ones. One summer we packed a suitcase and a picnic basket and drove until we found ourselves over five hundred miles away from home and laid out on a beach. We got there in enough time to grab a quick dinner and a bottle of wine.
Now we both knew she wasn’t the biggest drinker but isn’t that what makes it so much fun? Laying back on an old sheet in the sand and counting the stars, we made wishes off of the ones that had fallen. Little did she know my wish was going to come true.

I took her pretty face in my hands and slowly kissed her soft, ruby red lips. She took my breath away every time I kissed her. As her tongue circled mine I could taste the sweetness of the wine mixed with the warmth of her beautiful mouth. I couldn’t control myself, nor did I want to. Slowly I pushed her back into the cool sheet and began making a trail of kisses along her face and down her neck. I felt her long legs slightly part to allow me to fit inside my special place. The wine made her giggle as I unbuttoned her shirt. I lived for her laughter, giggles and all. We could hear the waves crashing on the shore as a nice evening breeze blew across our fevered bodies. The moon was perfectly round and being guard over us and the stars we had just counted earlier were dancing along with our hearts. I slowly stripped us down and we began a slow rhythm of our hips, back and forth. She released a soft sigh as she closed her eyes and enjoyed our beach-time play. I took full view of her body, she was my personal angel. She was just as beautiful as the first day I saw her. Her breasts soft, full and rising to the occasion, I took them both in my hands and let my warm tongue swirl around her perky nipples. I inhaled her natural scent that mixed well with the smell of the salty air that blew in from the ocean. I was hypnotized and under her love spell. She opened her eyes, gave a smile and guided me into her heaven. I was breathless I mean I literally was holding my breath, becoming light headed with ecstasy. I could feel her spirit meet with mine, laughing, holding, kissing and making divine type of love. She continued to invite me deeper inside to explore her in every way. I kissed and licked every crevice of her body. She responded to my moans with mimicked motions. I closed my eyes when she whispered lightly in my ear, telling how much she loved me and how wonderful I made her feel. I loved her too and was not afraid to say it. As a matter of fact, we said a lot on that beach that summer night. I wished that I could have put that moment in a bottle, tightened the cap and threw it out in the ocean further than the eye could see only to have it drift back to shore years later for us to find, reopen and relive that night all over again. We took each other to another level. We always did, each and every time.

Her radiant raven black, shiny hair, mesmerizing eyes, and gorgeous smile knocked me off my feet whenever I looked at her. She made my heart sing. Then it happened…

I call him Al. He is definitely no friend of mine and if she really knew what was happening, she knew he was the enemy. I blame him for stealing my love from me. I knew we were both getting older and our bodies wouldn’t be as taut, our vision wouldn’t be as clear, the hearing wouldn’t be as good and we’d move a little slower, not being able to do what we once did, but I never expected this.

It seemed like it just crept up on us suddenly. She would forget little things here and there like where she put the keys or forgetting what she was going to say in the middle of a sentence or even forgetting the recipe to her famous banana nut bread she made every Saturday evening for our Sunday brunch. But don’t we all forget little things at some time or another? I didn’t worry because I thought it was just the new path we were on to the golden years. When her personality changed from being sweet as a ten pound bag of sugar to being bitter and sour as an old pickle and she began to accuse me of things I won’t even mention, that’s when I knew something was wrong. She needed me and didn’t know it. She fought me, she yelled, she cursed. I was lost, confused and hurt but I knew it wasn’t her doing this. At least it wasn’t the ‘her’ I had known and loved all of these years.

So many tests, appointments and visits with various doctors. After all of these years and with the help of aging and my own weakening body, I wasn’t capable of providing for her any longer. I looked deep into her eyes the day I had to give her the news that she had to go. If she knew to be hurt like I was, she would have I’m sure. I had promised from the beginning that I’d take care of her forever. Now here I was after five decades of marriage breaking my first promise to her. She looked back at me but her once bright eyes were empty. I was talking to someone who had taken my love’s place. Nonetheless, I still loved her. Even if she couldn’t remember, I remembered for her. I remembered birthdays, anniversaries and holidays of us and our surviving friends. I kept alive the memories of all of our gatherings we had with family and friends over the years. I replayed over and over again, not just for myself but for her all of our vacations and retreats from the East to the West coast and little towns in between. I continued to tell her the stories that matched the photos in those albums we had kept over time. Some days she remembered, most of the time she didn’t. No matter what I told her I loved her each and every day just as I had always done.

I don’t know who was hurting more, me or her. We were living in separate places and living separate lives. She stayed in a facility not too far from the home we built together. I stayed in the house that once was our home, still praying that one day these last few years of stolen love would be returned to us. I traveled five miles each way, everyday to sit with her. Sometimes we talked and sometimes we just watched television. I was so angry with Al for stealing her away from me. Alzheimer, the word that echoed over and over in my mind like a bad song I couldn’t take off of repeat. I heard the doctor when my love was first diagnosed but I had to have her affirm what she had said to me again for fear that what I heard was true. Alzheimer, the disease that slowly slips your every being from you one memory at a time, dissolving all the photos from your mental photo album, shredding all the movies from your internal theater, and sneaking into your life and destroying you and those who love you. Before I even knew what happened I went from living the best life a man could ever ask for to having my soul zapped out of me like a mosquito flying directly into a bug zapper on the back porch on a hot August night. I can only imagine how my lovely wife feels.

One day last week she went through another bad episode. When I arrived at the home I was informed by the staff on duty at the visitor’s desk that she had been hostile and difficult to deal with refusing to eat when they served her lunch earlier that day and refusing to take her medication. Slowly I made my way down to her private room with a saddened spirit and a heavy heart. There I found her arguing with one of the nurses. I asked the nurse if I could be alone with my wife and I promised her I would make sure she had her medication. The nurse gave me an assuring look, showing empathy to my situation, agreed and promised to bring her something to eat since she refused lunch earlier. All the doctors, nurses and staff knew me, so it wasn’t a problem for me to try to calm the situation and calm my wife. After the nurse left I carefully explained to my wife the importance of taking her medication and listening to the nurses. She just sat there on the side of her bed not saying a word. The yellow nightgown I had recently bought her with the yellow and orange-billed duck on the hem hung gently off her shoulder. Her hair was wild and coming out of her ponytail holder. I didn’t know if she understood what I was saying or not. I moved closer to her, handed her a small cup of water and her two pills and told her to take her medicine. Her delicate, blue-veined hands took both the cup and the pill from me and she did as I had instructed her to do without hesitation. I adjusted the gown back on her shoulder and smoothed her now salt and pepper hair back as best as I could with my bare hand. Taking the empty cup from her, I heard her say, “I just want to go on vacation. I miss our vacations.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I looked deep into her eyes and finally saw that familiar brilliant smile her eyes used to give me. I looked into her eyes and saw ‘her’, the wife I knew. With tears resting on the rim of my ears I softly replied, “I miss our vacations too.”
She then got into her bed and turned and looked out the window which faced a nearby empty field that had wildflowers of different colors in full bloom. The sun was high and shining brightly, just like the many times it had been when we drove to our unknown destinations. I removed my shoes and placed them neatly against the wall in a small space between her bed and the nightstand. I then gently got in bed behind her where I molded my body against hers. I could smell the aroma of peaches coming from her hair as I felt her move back and closer to me. Resting my hand on the soft fleshy part of her hip, I thanked God for this moment. For in this moment she was here and it wasn’t about where we used to be or where we were going to be, it was about this very moment, the moment she remembers a bit of our happiness and love.

Listening to her breathe deeply as she fell asleep in my arms, I kissed the back of her head and whispered “I love you” as I celebrated our victory against Al…even if it was just for a moment, we won.
Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

Monday, November 21, 2011

Find 100 Ways

In this new day and era a lot of men haven’t been taught or have been lacking in the area of finding ways to show their mate that they love them. Sometimes outside influences such as other male friends or the media tell the men in our lives it’s not ‘cool’ to show affection or be in love. The world is teaching our men to be hardcore at all times. There may even be the occasional lazy lover, the guy who feels like he doesn’t need to put in the effort to show how he really feels deep, deep down inside.

Regardless of his reason behind not showing his girlfriend, wife, soul mate, help mate and rib of his life his love, his feelings need to be displayed and displayed often. The love of his life needs to know without a doubt that they are truly loved on every level. Here is a list that I created that can help point a lost lover back in the right direction. Some of these suggestions are light and will bring a smile to her face regularly. Some are lifetime changes and are for building a more committed relationship. Have fun with this and may you be blessed in true love.

1. Look her in her eyes- 
When you talk to her look in her eyes, it lets her know you’re sincere and not trying to hide anything from her

2. Don’t lie to her- 
You are not a child. Not telling the entire story is considered lying too. It’s better she knows the truth from you and is able to handle it than for her to learn it other ways

3. Ask her how she is-
Ask her how her day went and really listen

4. Listen to her when she talks. Don’t just hear-
There is a difference

5. Be a man of your word- 
If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Scarface can’t be the ONLY man who believes all he has is his word and his…well, you know the rest

6. Plan a special event-
Weekend getaway or just because, don’t wait until it’s her birthday or a holiday

7. If you give her something or pay a debt for her, don’t remind her of what you’ve done at a later time-
If you gave from the heart it was a gift. There is a difference from a gift and a loan

8. Give her space-
Realize when she needs ‘Me-time’. Sometimes she just wants to soak in the tub surrounded by candles with her favorite artists singing in the background. Let her, she’ll be out soon enough to spend time with you and will be a better person for it.

9. Be encouraging-
Let her know that she CAN do it whatever that ‘it’ may be and you support her fully. Whatever she’s doing is going to be an improvement for you both

10. Allow her days to be weak-
Let her bitch and cry. That’s how we get it out of our systems. We’re women if you want someone stronger, get a husband!

11. Stop being sneaky-
Women have natural built in detectors and all alarms go off when the ‘trust’ seal is being broken. You’ll never get away with it…at least not for too long

12. Run her a hot bath-
Fill it to the rim with bubbles and scented oil

13. Pay for a service-
You like seeing her with her hair done? You like seeing her nails polished? You like when her eyebrows are arched? There are enough small things to choose from. Pick one and let her know this time it’s on you

14. Talk to her parents-
They need to feel they can trust you with her life and by talking to them they’ll be able to see where your head and your heart is

15. Go to church with her-
If you’re trying to build your relationship to be better and stronger, God and His word will surely help. Plus, it will help both of you be better throughout your lives on all levels

16. Be respectful-
Don’t disrespect her with your words or your actions, alone or in front of others

17. Be observant-
If you notice a change in mood, new ways of dressing or a new hairstyle speak on it. Be prepared for good or bad news. She may be going through a change in life and will need to know you’re supportive and you care

18. Pray or read the bible with her-
Strengthening up your relationship on all levels is the final outcome when you include the Lord in your lives

19. Date her-
No matter how long you’ve been together, always date her. Have a night where you go out on a date just like you did when you first met. Pay for the night out too!

20. Be a gentleman-
Chivalry is NOT dead! Whenever she’s with you she shouldn’t know what a door handle feels like. Pull her chair out for her. Help her with her coat. Compliment her

21. Be the maid-
Clean, wash dishes, do all the chores. There is no such thing as ‘man’ chores or ‘woman’ chores. Give her a break and clean up properly, just how she does it for you

22. Be the chef-
Make her a nice hot meal. If you cook meat, take time to cut it up for her, trust me she’ll notice and love you for it

23. Do an activity she loves to do-
She’s been asking you for months to join her in her yoga class. Whatever it is, just try it. You may like it!

24. Let her have a girls’ night out-
Sometimes women just need to have fun with the girls. If you’re a good man, no matter what another man says to her while she’s out, it’s not going to convince her to leave you for him

25. Send flowers-
Yes! No matter what kind they are, unless she is allergic to them, women love flowers! Sending them to her job will definitely make her smile…a day to silently say “In your face” to all of her coworkers

26. Never put anyone before her-
She is your rock! She is your rib returned to you! She is your top priority and she and everyone else needs to know that!

27. Sit down with her and do bills-
It’s a hard task to tackle and you both need to know where the money is going and how you’re looking financially.

28. Be responsible-
If she wanted to date an irresponsible man, she had other options. Think before you do

29. Pick up a card-
If you’re not a poet or your handwriting is awful, purchase her a card and leave it some place where she won’t expect to find a card. The words are already written and she’s worth fifty cents to a dollar. Yes, they come that cheap!

30. Recall a past memory-
Talk about the day you first met, your first kiss or another memorable event that you two have shared. She’ll enjoy knowing that you still remember

31. Send her on a trip-
Let her have an overnight stay or a weekend getaway someplace. Even if it’s in a nice local hotel, she’ll appreciate it

32. Compliment her parenting skills-
If she’s the mother of your children or she’s helping raise children that aren’t biologically hers, tell her she’s doing a great job when she assists with a situation involving the kids

33. Hug often-
Give her a good tight hug just because. Sometimes at the end of the day that’s all she needs from you

34. Never call her ugly names-
They lied when they said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Words hurt and calling her stupid, dumb, bitch or anything else ugly will stay with her forever

35. Introduce her first-
When you’re out and you run into old friends, whether male or female, introduce her first. Don’t leave her standing in the background like she’s one of your groupies

36. Always consult with her-
NEVER, ever agree to do anything for anyone without talking it over with her. From loan/borrowing money to something as small as giving/getting a ride or giving the neighbor sugar, she needs to know what is going in and out of her home!

37. Never fight in public-
Are you a rival gang? Then argue in private. Letting others see where your weak spot is in your relationship is not good

38. Be a massage therapist-
When she comes home from work and sits next to you, massage her feet and calves for a few minutes while you both talk about your day

39. Dress your age-
You are not a young hip-hop college student no matter what your mind is telling you. You’re way over the age of 35 years old and should dress the part. Women absolutely LOVE when their men are dressed as sharp as a pencil and not like their son’s best friend from high school. You want her dressed appropriately, so pull up your pants and do the same.

40. Help her dress-
I had a boyfriend who knew my closet just as well as I did. We would be out and he would select something and remind me how well it would match up with something I already owned at home. If you have good taste, help her select an outfit for work or for a night out. She’ll love to hear your advice

41. Give her a treat-
In the middle of the day run over to her job and drop off some of her favorite cookies or cupcakes. Don’t stay long because you have to get back to work too. Let her know you were thinking of her and leave a bag of her favorite candy behind
Plan a date out with her and her friends-
Get to know her friend and their mate.

42. Plan a day of new adventures-
Take her to a new restaurant or park. Invite her to do a new activity like indoor wall climbing or paints and wine. Drive an hour away and check out a new town. Just get out there and discover new things together!

43. Play games-
Have game night at your house with board games or cards and the winner gets to have bragging rights until the next match!

44. Be real-
Tell her what is really on your mind. You brushing over issues and not really stating what’s on your mind will get you nowhere. Be honest. Tell her what you’ve been thinking or wanting to do. Tell her your dreams and goals. If she’s ‘the one’ she’ll be open to hear all you have to say

45. Say, “I love you”-
Say it, mean it and show it.

46. Make a montage-
Get together all of the photos or videos of you two and make a movie or a special photo album

47. Paint her toes for her-
I’ve had this done for me and it’s something I’ll never forget

48. Plan a major vacation-
Sit down and start planning a major vacation with her! Go for the gusto and have fun in the process

49. Workout together-
A healthy lifestyle creates a happy life!

50. Play 007-
Create a secret code, word, phrase or movement that will signal to her you’re ready to leave a boring party or you’re ready to get it on. Whatever you come up with only you and her will no what it means

51. Have a favorite song-
Every time you hear that song let it be ‘your’ song. It can be fast or slow but just have a special meaning for the two of you

52. Wake her up ready-
If you have children get them ready and serve her breakfast in bed during the week. Let her start her day off with a full belly and love from you

53. No misleading-
If you no longer want to be in the relationship and/or you want to see other people, tell her. Let her know the truth with how you feel so she can cut ties and move on

54. Watch your tone-
No matter what you say it’s all about how you say it. Having an attitude when you talk or making snide remarks does not cut it

55. Never forget-
When you were down and out and had nothing to offer, she was there. Now that you’ve come up, broke even and have more don’t forget who buttered your bread when you didn’t have bread or butter

56. Learn to apologize-
Learn to say the words, “I’m sorry” and mean it. Then whatever you had to apologize for don’t let it happen again. When women find themselves forgiving a man for the same mistake over and over again, it’s no longer an accident he is making, he’s hurting us intentionally

57. Have a plan-
Do you have a plan for life? Do you have a backup plan if that plan fails? Most importantly, are you working your plan? Some men have no clue, don’t be one of them

58. Keep a job-
It may not be the highest paid job in the world. It may not even be pretty, but a man should always have a job. You can’t call the shots or play king of the castle when you’re unemployed

59. Educate yourself-
Go back to school. Take a class. But make yourself more marketable, more valuable and wiser

60. Read a book-
You don’t have to be the chairman of your local library but pick up a book and read it. The saying is, “If you want to keep something away from them, put it in a book.” Don’t let ‘them’ be right

61. Hold her at night-
When you fall asleep make sure she is being held. There is nothing like feeling safe and protected while falling asleep in the arms of your man

62. Hold her hand-
In public don’t be ashamed or afraid to hold her hand. That speaks volumes to all who see

63. Never let others disrespect her-
If people see you lying to her, calling her names, and hurting her you are giving them the okay to do the same thing to her. Don’t allow yourself or others to disrespect her

64. Don’t do things that you know she doesn’t like-
No matter how big or small that thing is, if she doesn’t like it and you know she doesn’t like it then don’t do it. Every guy I’ve dated knows I hate being tickled and each one has tickled me over and over again. Stop irritating her!

65. Tell her she’s beautiful-
The media is trying to train and shape us to believe only a certain type of woman is beautiful when in fact, beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes and color. Let her hear it from you that she is your top model

66. Make her a gift-
If you have a special talent, make her something wonderful.

67. Dedicate a song-
Call her favorite radio station and dedicate a special song to her

68. Replace it-
If she’s been meaning to replace something that she lost or broke, buy it for her. She’ll really appreciate it

69. Write her a love letter-
Get some fancy paper and a pen and pour your heart out to her in a letter. She’ll hold on to it forever

70. Keep a journal-
It doesn’t have to be something you write in daily, it can just be what you keep all your ticket stubs and other mementos in on your dates out. Give it to her as a gift once it’s full

71. Become a dj-
Put all of her favorite songs on her iPod, iPad or on a cd

72. Let her be bad-
Let her be YOUR bad girl! Let her get as freaky and erotic as she wants without you questioning how and where she got her skills. She just may have another side to her that she’s been afraid to share with you because of your insecurities

73. Maintenance her vehicle-
When you drive her car take it for an oil change, get it washed and vacuum it out

74. Massage her scalp-
If she feels comfortable allowing you to play in her hair, massage her scalp. A hidden secret that many close couples do

75. Call-
When you’re out and you’re running late returning home or if you’ve been gone for a few hours and haven’t talked to her, call. It only takes a minute just to say you were checking on her. Don’t assume everything is alright or she may not need you. She just may want to hear your voice

76. Ask yourself ‘The Question’-
If you’re doing something and you’re not sure if it’s the right thing to do, ask yourself, “Would I want her to do what I’m getting ready to do?” If your answer is no, then you know you better not do it either

77. Give her a day alone-
Let her have the house to herself. Let her feel free to sing, dance, walk around naked with no children, no guests and no you being there

78. Take her shopping-
For groceries, shoes or clothes she’s down for any and all

79. Be dependable-
Whatever you do for her do it in a timely manner allowing her to know that if anything major breaks out you can handle the pressure and assist her in her efforts to get life back to normal

80. Be trustworthy-
Don’t give her reasons not to trust you. Everything you say and do should be noble and honorable. She should not have reason to doubt you

81. Watch it-
Watch her favorite television show or movie with her. Even if it is sappy or girly just you being together makes the moment special

82. Order for her-
Place her order for her next time you’re out. It makes the dining experience so more romantic

83. Picnic-
If the weather is bad outside who said you can’t have a picnic inside? Push the furniture back, put on some great music and eat good food right there at your indoor picnic

84. Forsake all others-
It’s no longer about you and your boys or even your mother. When you committed your all to her she became your number one now. Make sure everyone is aware of that

85. Take her advice-
You’ve been doing it your way for quite some time and it hasn’t worked. Be open enough to hear her out and do what she suggests. You can’t go wrong because she’s not going to steer you that way

86. Don’t hide it-
No matter how bad the situation may be do not hide it from her. Put it all on the table so it can be discussed and worked out

87. Work on it together-
Pick a project and work on it from beginning to end together. It can be anything from fixing something around the house fixing a meal. Big or small do it together

88. Be pampered-
Together, go to a day spa and be pampered. Get a couples’ massage, pedicures, manicures, facials, eat lunch. Go for the full treatment. You’ll both be relaxed and be ready to love on one another for the rest of the day.

89. Make your home a home-
Don’t always have guests over. Make your home comfortable enough for others to want to come and visit but comfortable enough for you two to have heaven on earth. Tell your friends and family to respect the time you and your mate spend together at home

90. Laugh-
Pop in a movie, go to a comedy show, and tell jokes, just laugh. You’ll be in a better mood to deal with anything and everything

91. Get help-
When things aren’t going right in your relationship, don’t be afraid to get professional help. There are trained individuals who are out here to help. Go to a psychologist, a minister or someone else who can help you in rough times. That doesn’t mean you’re weak, it means you want better

92. Be at one with nature-
Go watch the sun rise or set. Take a late night stroll and look at the stars. Go to the beach and enjoy the water, just take time out to keep it natural

93. Turn off technology-
Turn off your cell phone, television and anything else that is distracting. Have special quiet times with each other and you’ll learn so much more

94. Talk in the dark-
At night when the house is quiet get in bed and talk about anything and everything. Sometimes things are better said in the dark

95. Wash her hair-
If she’s open to it, the next time she goes to wash her hair at home, wash it for her. What a great bonding moment!

96. Teach her something-
Teach her something important or fun. Make sure she’s prepared for anything whether it’s changing or flat tire or winning the next Trivial Pursuit game

97. Learn something from her-
She has life skills and other experiences that you can learn. Be open minded enough to learn something new from her. That makes you a better man, not less than a man

98. Don’t share-
Don’t share your personal relationship issues and business with everyone but her. She’s your queen, your rib and your best friend so talk to her before talking to the outside world

99. Write a list-
Make a list of ‘Things You May Not Know’ and see how many new things you can learn about each other. Maybe she never told you that she came in 1st place in a baby contest or maybe she doesn’t know about the time you got your head stuck in banister. Whatever it is come up with some things, share, laugh and learn

100. Be the best-
No matter what happens with your relationship, always be the best man that you can be. Treat her like you would like someone to treat you, your mother, and your daughters. She’s someone’s mother and daughter too and she deserves the best
Erotically Speaking,
Karma Eve