Karma Eve

Karma Eve
Karma Eve

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pay Respect: Lucille Bogan

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are NOT the first generation of Erotic Artists.

There are a number of erotic stars from eras long before we were thought of that have paved the way for us newbies to have the freedom to do what we love to do. From authors to songwriters these artists have broken barriers that thankfully we as today’s artists don’t have to face.

Today’s blog is a reminder to know who came before you. For example, if you were trying to become the next big rap star and your knowledge of rap and hip-hop only consisted of Lil’ Wayne, Kanye West, and Wiz Khalifa then you just may have a problem. If you’re not aware of the pioneers in your genre then you’re not properly equipped to be an expert or star of today and especially not one in the future.

Instead of highlighting those of us who are wet behind the ears and between the legs, I would like to show respect and give honor to the REAL erotic kings and queens of erotica. Today, I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorites, Bessie Jackson, better known as LUCILLE BOGAN.

Known for her risqué lyrics, Lucille Bogan was a blues singer originally from the South. Recording since 1923 she didn’t begin making her sexually charged songs until a few years later in 1930 singing of prostitution, homosexuality, and sex. One song titled, B D Woman’s Blues (BD referred to Bull Dykes) she wrote the following lyrics…
B.D. women, you sure can't understand
They got a head like a sweet angel and they walk just like a natural man
B.D. women, they all done learnt their plan
They can lay their jive just like a natural man
B.D. women, B.D. women, you know they sure is rough
They all drink up plenty whiskey and they sure will strut their stuff

Between 1933 and 1935 she recorded over 100 songs with at least three being popular commercial successes. Her final song was recorded in New York on March 5, 1935 and it’s also a favorite of mine, Shave ‘Em Dry.
I got nipples on my titties
Big as the end of my thumb
I got somethin’ between my legs
That’ll make a dead man come…
I fucked all night
And the night before, baby
And I feel like I wanna fuck some more
Oh, grind me honey
Shave me dry…

She passed away in 1948 from coronary sclerosis. Thank you, Lucille for being a Queen of Erotica.

Erotically Speaking, 
Karma Eve

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